What does this site do?
It finds items spelled incorrectly on eBay sites.
As they are spelled incorrectly they have fewer bids (and often no bids) and therefore you can find bargains.
As they are spelled incorrectly they have fewer bids (and often no bids) and therefore you can find bargains.
'Page cannot be displayed' or blank pages?
Are you are getting: 'page cannot be displayed', not seeing any links or getting a blank page?
Your firewall software is probably blocking the affiliate link - try this page instead.
Your firewall software is probably blocking the affiliate link - try this page instead.
How can I search UK, US or other eBay sites?
Click the flag of the country at the top of the search screen
The items I'm being shown are all correctly spelled!
This can be one of following problems:
- Sometimes the item might often be listed with an extra space, e.g. 'bedside' and 'bed side'. In this case, tick the option: 'Don't look for extra spaces'
- Try to use the singular of the word, rather than the plural. For example, use 'golf club', not 'golf clubs'
- One of the misspellings of the item might happen to be a valid word. For example, misspellings of 'suite' matches the words 'site' and 'suit'. If you want to prevent these words, use the following in the search box: suite -site -suit.
Having any other problems? New idea or an improvement in mind? Or just want to let me know you think FatFingers is great?
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